Music in films

Whenever you want to watch a movie, you check several things to see if it is going to be a good one. The first thing that you check could be the acting cast, then the director of the film. And just like most of the movie awards, you prioritize those factors. The importance of the music and the soundtrack of the movie goes to a secondary role here, which is very discouraging. However, having the right music and soundtrack in the movie is one of the most important factors as well. The music can bring everything together, show emotions, deliver messages, etc. With a terrific soundtrack, the movie can bring a special atmosphere to the audience. And every time one hears this music he or she can remember the movie. Just like the soundtracks of Harry Potter or Pirates of the Caribbean, you will never confuse it with another soundtrack. In this topic, we will discuss the importance of music in the film industry and how it can affect the overall reviews and expectations of the movies you watch.

Music creates a special aura

One of the most essential factors of having music in the movie is to create an atmosphere for the audience. Depending on what type of music directors use in the film, the audience can have an overall understanding of the style of the movie. Having playful and fun music in the background of a sad and dramatic scene, the overall tone of that part would seem comedic and funny. However, if there is a sad piano or lyrical music in the background, it will make the scene more dramatic and sad. Additionally, music plays another significant role in the movies, as they express emotions. Background music can provide a lot of information about the part of the scene where it plays.

Music can have cultural references

Whenever there are specific scenes of any location, country, or region, background music can give hints about the upcoming scenes. Or, if the overall movie is about a specific country or part of the world, using corresponding music in the movie is very important as it gives references to the latter specification. Watching a documentary about a specific era, you will notice that the music playing in the background corresponds with the particular era that the movie is about. A great example can be the movie Gladiator, where the movie’s soundtrack and music correspond with the era of the Roman Empire. Another excellent example would be the movie series The Pirates of the Caribbean. Whenever you watch that movie, you will notice that the background music is changing but the directors keep the overall tone of the music they used throughout the entire series. That is why you would never confuse these soundtracks with any other music.

Famous composers in the movie industry

Many best-selling movies have their own composers to create music for their movies and films. Having one composer for the entire series keeps the same tone and energy for the movie. And many film directors prioritize having the best composers for their movies. One of the most famous composers of our time for the film industry of the 21st century is Hanz Zimmer. This incredible composer has created some of the most remarkable and memorable soundtracks of all time, including Harry Potter, Inception, The Pirates of the Caribbean, and many others. Whenever you hear the first sounds of the music, you can immediately guess the composer as Zimmer has a special significance for his composition. Oppositely, not one of his compositions for different movies is similar. That is one of the most important parts of his work. Another great film composer is Thomas Newman, famous for his compositions for the movies The Green Mile, Finding Nemo, etc. There are many talented and exceptional composers who have created unique and extraordinary pieces for many films. And one of the best features of those composers is that they always keep the breathtaking and spectacular tone. There are even movies in the film industry that have even more audiences because of their soundtrack playlist.

The bottom line

Having a memorable and sensational movie highly depends on its soundtrack and music that is played during the scenes. Correctly composed and chosen music can bring more drive, interest, and uniqueness to the movie. That is the reason behind the idea of the directors, to make the audience speechless till the very end of the movie not only for the acting cast and plot twists but also for the exceptional music. Music helps the audience understand and deeply fall in love with the movie and its atmosphere. With that all said, whenever you are watching a movie, also pay attention to its soundtrack and the background music as it can also help you understand the plot and overall atmosphere of the film. And maybe you will find a new composer that will become your favorite musician for the movies you watch.