
Top-3 Music-themed Online Casino Games to Play for Real Money

Music-themed casino games are games that play famous soundtracks in the background. Music has always been present in our lives whether we realized that or not. In the 70’ a group of individuals decided to incorporate music into their casino games since it helped them concentrate more on the gambling games. This saw them win

How to Produce Your Own Music Album?

Music is difficult to figure out, and it is created in the most abstract ways. People still think it is an exclusive medium limited to a specific category of people with a particular set of skills and connections within the industry. But all that can be classified as baseless conclusions. The world we currently live

Registering the label

Far from being the first important step on which the success of the whole enterprise would really depend. But the wording “creating a label” still implies coming up with its name, logo, concept, that is a certain fixation of the idea in time and space, so in the mind of the project creator this step

Specifics of producing a band

Producing a band has its own distinctive features and peculiarities. It cannot be said that creating and promoting a solo project is more difficult than a band, or vice versa. Different factors are taken into account here that need to be investigated in detail. A project can be called a group if the number of

How to start your own music label

Firstly you need to decide what kind of music you want to promote, musical directions, and music policy in general. Come up with an idea for a label, something that will distinguish you from everyone else. In the beginning, do not dangle too widely in different styles and genres – only big fat major labels